Posts in rituals
Commitment to Myself

I hesitated. There were less rocks to cross on than last time. Plus, it was snowing. I could get wet and cold.
I had made plans with myself to hike last Friday afternoon because I’ve committed to hiking more this year.  I would be the only one who would know if I didn’t hike.
Finally, I decided to take my chances. If I fell in, I would turn around and go home.

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Astrology, Joy and Reflection!

When I was an Executive Director, I did not always stop to see and feel the joy in the work – the small wins and the big wins – because there was always something coming next that needed my attention. Because there will always be something next is precisely why we need to stop and feel the joy. Take a moment to pause. Celebrate our wins.

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Whose supporting you?

We’ve all heard the analogy about the oxygen on the airplane, we have to put our own oxygen on first before we can take care of others. Yet, many of don’t heed this. We keep giving and giving without filling our own cups until we are depleted and have nothing to give anymore.

Self-care is not a luxury but a need. Self-care is not all about bubble baths and massages but if you can’t get those images out of your head then reframe self-care to self – support.

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