Begin Your Day Right.

Yesterday, I felt scattered all day. I fly to Las Vegas in 2 days to present at a conference on coaching as a management tool and I still had a lot to do. Plus I had some deadlines, so I didn’t have space to not be on my “A” game. I felt scattered. I was rushing and running late. I wasn’t really getting anything done. The irony is that originally I thought this day had a lot of space in it for me to finalize last minute details and get packed.

Finally, late afternoon, I had my A-Ha moment. I realized what I did wrong, or what I didn’t do right. I was scattered all day because I didn’t ground my day in my morning rituals. I had slept in, worked out and went straight into my day. I started my day with no focus, no daily goals, no plan and I felt it. I felt it in my body. I felt it in conversations with others. I wasn’t focused. It was evident in my lack of productivity.

Typically, my morning ritual is pretty simple:
1)    Pull an Oracle Card – I love Rebecca Campbell’s Work Your Light!
2)    Meditation – I use InSight Timer.
3)    Plan my day including my top 3 tasks – I use the Best Self Journal (
4)    Movement – Yoga, Vision Fit or walking the dog.

See, it’s nothing complicated and yet it is so important.

When I finally realized what my problem was, I paused and got grounded so I could finish the day strong.

There are two life lessons from my day:

1)    We often feel too busy to take a moment to ground ourselves but taking just a few minutes will save us time and stress.
2)    It’s never too late. Instead of the entire day be frantic and unfocused, I stopped and started over it. We can do that at any time.

What can you do in the morning to ground your day?

Connect with me if you are interested in working together to create your daily rituals.