Whose supporting you?
We’ve all heard the analogy about the oxygen on the airplane, we have to put our own oxygen on first before we can take care of others. Yet, many of don’t heed this. We keep giving and giving without filling our own cups until we are depleted and have nothing to give anymore.
Self-care is not a luxury but a need. Self-care is not all about bubble baths and massages but if you can’t get those images out of your head then reframe self-care to self – support.
How are you supporting yourself?
What are your non-negotiable activities that keep you mentally and physically healthy?
1) Write out your ideal day.
2) Write out your current typical day.
3) Compare the two.
4) What one item can you take from your ideal day and incorporate into your current day. Whatever you chose should be easy to incorporate into your day.
5) Add that item into your day until it becomes part of your routine. Just like brushing your teeth.
6) Then add another self-support item. Maybe you add a bigger item that you do once a week.
Determine what works for you both in the office and out. Taking care of yourself can take many forms and will look different for different people. If you are the leader in the organization feel free to share the changes you are making. You are a role model and it’s important for your staff to see that’s okay to take care of themselves.
I would love to support you creating a system that works for you!