Vote using your Yoga Values

Here’s a real-life example of how Yoga Ethics show up in our everyday life.


Tuesday, March 5 is the Primary in North Carolina.


When you go VOTE, consider the following:


Ahimsa = Nonharm and Care.

·       Who on the ballot is committed to not causing harm?

·       Who on the ballot is committed to acting against violence?


Satya = Truth

·       Who is committed to being truthful in their actions and their words?

·       Who is committed to deep listening?


Asteya = Nonstealing and Generosity

·       Who doesn’t steal?

·       Who believes there is abundance in our country? Who believes there is enough for everyone?


Brahmacharya = Energy Management

·       Who will spend their energy and the government’s energy on issues that matter to you?

·       Who is committed to not participating in or contributing to overindulgence or excess?


Aparigraha = Letting go and non-attachment

·       Who is committed to not being attached to being re-elected in the next election but instead of doing what is the right thing for our community, our state, our country, our world?

·       Who is committed to letting go of doing things they same way they have always been done?