Come alive!
Recently, I was in a workshop where the co-facilitators shared about themselves and their work. They both shared what they did (yoga teacher, facilitator, actor) but more importantly infused throughout their introduction was their purpose. While they explicitly stated their life’s purpose, they didn’t have to, you could hear it woven throughout their descriptions. It was where their light shined and their passion soared. You could feel it. It was their True North.
As I was listening, I couldn’t help but wonder why we don’t shift the questions of “What do you do?” to “What is your purpose? What were you put here on earth to do? What lights you up?”
To quote Howard Thurman, ““Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
What if we valued our aliveness more then our job title?
I challenge you: next time you meet someone don’t ask them what they do but what makes them come alive.